
來自facebook上一個滿紅的遊戲, 要轉寄給25個人降子輪流寫下去

1. I am a hybrid from sheep and rabbit.

2. If I had a daughter her name will be Bunnie Tu.

3. I have 8 dependents (5 bunnies and 3 lambs). 

4. I am not good with kids.

5. I want a Hawaiian oceanview condo, with a bunny family and a lamb in the backyard. 

6. I am afraid of ghost, very much. I can't sleep against empty space because ghost will attack me from behind. 

7. I always cross street diagonally. 

8. I love short cuts.

9. I  hate "Chinese" new year. 

10. I don't like talkative people. 

11. Extremely short memory. Bear and Juliet are my memory sticks.

12. I love classic music, electronica, and metal at the same time. (oh, and Hawaiian music)

13. I hate Brittney Spears and love Paris Hilton.

14. 2 places I have to visit before I die: Ibiza and Tahiti.

15. I broke my teeth when chewing guava. (and I quit guava.)

16. I can't sleep without earplug and my daughter Datu.

17. I hate museum in general (only if there's a bunny museum.)

18. I don't like sitting in movie theater.

19. I playes piano for 10 years and forgot it all.

20. I wish I could be 2 inches shorter so I can wear 2" heels without feeling too tall.

21. Passionate about fashion. Want to be a shoe designer. 

22. I get bored very fast so I need to do several things at the same time.

23. I hope to see Taiwanese unite and form an independent country in my lifetime

24. Grown up in a city and want to live in a house middle of nowhere NOW.

25. My sister Juliet is one of my best friends in the world!!




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